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How To Start A Music Business with Adameant

In this episode Adameant and I talk largely about how to start a music business, how to monetize the skillset you have with your music, how to invest in music gear and a home studio, and many other related topics. While Adameant is relatively new to the music scene, he’s setting himself up for longterm success and I thought you could learn a lot hearing about what his approach is.

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Important Points:

Adameant talks about why you should invest in your music career like you would a business – buy gear, build a studio, develop skills that generate revenue to fund your music. Treat it as an asset and investment.

Fail early and often – failing is how you learn and get better – this is Adameant’s motto. Don’t let failure stop you, use it as motivation to keep trying.

Andrew and Adameant discuss building a community and being omnipresent – interact with your fans, provide value beyond just music. Aim to build relationships and community, not just gain followers.

Adameant believes that your legacy is more important than fame – make your focus on the impact you can have and the people you can help, not just gaining popularity for yourself.

Podcast Outline:

[00:00:53] Adameant talks about how he got into music and his slogan “Welcome to Rejected”. – Adameant 

[00:02:19] Adameant talks about how his music is meant to help people who feel rejected and alone. – Adameant 

[00:05:19] Adameant’s music video for “Rocket” and how it tells a compelling story. – Andrew

[00:06:47] The importance of building genuine relationships through collaborations, not just chasing clout. – Adameant 

[00:07:39] How the unique color graded Battz music video was all shot on an iPhone. – Adameant 

[00:09:51]  How to build a home studio from scratch, starting with basic gear and upgrading over time. – Adameant 

[00:12:05] Adameant shares his perspective on success being defined by the impact you have, not fame or money. – Adameant 

[00:14:50] The side jobs aka “angel investors” that allow Adameant to invest in his music.  – Adameant 

[00:18:23] How expensive gear has diminishing returns – talent matters more than expensive equipment. – Andrew 

[00:20:35] Why hard work over time is required for success. – Adameant 

[00:25:05] The mindset of fearing regret on your deathbed more than failure from trying. – Adameant 

[00:27:53] Getting good at anything requires failing often and viewing success as a pile of failures. – Andrew 

[00:31:06] The need to fail early and often to find success in any endeavor. – Andrew 

Wise Words:  

[00:00:53]  “I’ve self taught myself everything. So that’s one thing I say is really important is, is teaching yourself.” – Adameant

[00:20:27] “The most important thing to start with build your own setup, even if it’s little, you can literally just go underground. And no one has to hear you. No one has to judge you. You can make a hundred songs and find what is me, who am I? What is my voice? What can I do that someone else can’t do?” – Adameant

[00:26:23] “I took the money I was making as a janitor and started building my studio. And like only in the past year, have I been blessed enough to upgrade and to start making a little bit more money and to be able to actually pour into stuff, but  like, no matter who you are, where you’re at, you can do it. Like legitimately, it’s just all in budgeting. And what is important to you?”  – Adameant

[00:34:55] “That’s true with most gear in life, whether it’s music or synthesizers or production or video, the cheapest or like cheaper to mid tier products will get you like 90 percent of the way there. But the price to get from 90 percent to a hundred percent, that’s where the cost goes from hundreds to like tens of thousands of dollars.” – Andrew

Resources Mentioned:

  • Adameant’s Spotify – link
  • Learn how to grow your Spotify – link

Learn More:

If you enjoyed this interview you might also like this one I did with Ashely K. Stoyanov from #WomenCrushMusic about music promotion tips and community building.